Government of, by and for the people cannot exist unless informed citizens show up and speak up. The purpose of this web site is to provide a forum for all residents and citizens who are interested in sharing their experiences with Dallas County Iowa Government, positive and negative. The rules here are: Be thoughtful; Be forthright; Be thorough; Be fair; Be honest; and Adhere to the Golden rule.

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Rock Caper


The wheels of justice grind exceedingly slow and in some cases of Chad Leonard's Dallas County Sheriff's Department they grind not at all. In case you want to read Hind's shoulder patch or the Quinn truck License plate click on the picture. That's Mary Hays standing at the truck door and her watchfellow Richard Reiste of Minburn. HInd's, by the way is standing on private property without a writ.

This case began in April 4, 2007 when we met with Sheriff Leonard and forewarned him of the liklihood that the owner next parcel would stike in the near future, to forewarn him that there was much litigation behind this move and that he needed to be careful not to step into legal doo doo. Instead Sheriff Loenard blew it off, made no followup and simply handed the case to his "30-year expert in civil law," Deputy Chris Hinds. Hinds, who after "a complete and thorough investigation," conspired with Ralph Brown to guard the site while the neighbor dumped a truck load of road rock on our property.

I suppose that Chris Hinds had the illusion that I wouldn't show up just at the moment the crime was to take place. But I did! As I stepped up to stop the rock dump, Hinds, whose vehicle was already blocking my way popped up waving a sheaf of paper and blocking my way with his body and said, "We're enforcing a court order here, if you take one more step (onto your own property to preserve it) I will arreast you."--Parens added) So I watched as Chris Hinds presided over the criminal tresspass on our property.

The key element in all of this, as Sheriff Leonard, Deputy Hinds and Ralph Brown all knew at the time that the Sheriff is not lawfully empowered to enforce a Court order without a writ from the Court to do so. Hinds had no writ!
Way leads upon way and after these months Sheriff Leonard has stonewalled except to conclude that, "I am not going to admit to any Departmental wrongdoing." Following is the text of the latest letter to Sheriff Leonard in this matter.

Chad Leonard
Dallas County Sheriff
201 N. 8TH St.
Adel, Iowa 50003

Dear Sheriff Leonard:

You have my letters of April 18 and June 13, 2007. It has been 118 days since the first and 62 days since the second. To date I have no response from you except your failed offer to recommend compensation for a portion of my direct expenses and your oral statement May 22 that, “I [sheriff Leonard] am not going to admit any Departmental error.”
Your inaction is not an option. Do not conclude that your ignorance or neglect of this matter will resolve it. Do not conclude that a claim in District Court resolves the crime.
You learned July 10 that you do not have the power assuage your error by compensating me, even in part, for my expenses.
It is a crime for Deputy Hinds, to detain me under the false pretense of enforcing a court order without a writ.
It is a crime for a Deputy Hinds to conspire with Ralph Brown to plan another crime.
Your foil that that your Department has the right to keep the peace is true. It does not reach these crimes. Deputy Hinds did not keep the peace; he unlawfully detained me under pretense of enforcing a court order without a writ, first with his vehicle and then with his body. There is and has been no dispute of these facts.
The lawful prohibition of your Department from attempting to enforce a court order without a writ was known to, and you claim practiced by, both you and to your “civil expert of 30 years service,” Deputy Hinds on April 17 and again to you on June 12, 2007. It is not an option for you to apply that policy ever before and ever after those dates with me as your admitted sole exception.
Your oath of office is to uphold the law, “I, Chad Leonard do solemnly swear that I will…faithfully and impartially [underscore added]…discharge the duties of the office of Sheriff of Dallas County. It is your duty to investigate and appropriately respond to wrongdoing within your Department. You have not done so.
I demand that you investigate and prosecute these crimes timely, fully, openly and lawfully.
It is now 35 days since I declined Wayne Reisetter’s proposition of money in exchange for releasing you and Deputy Hinds from responsibility for the crime. You have had more than adequate time to begin your work.
You have ten more days to reveal to me in writing your progress in investigating and prosecuting both my false arrest and Deputy Hind’s coupling with Ralph Brown.
Yours truly,
Stay tuned, there is more to share about Sheriff Leonard and his Department. Feel free to respond not only to this case but as well to share your experiences with Sheriff Leonard and Deputy Hinds.