Government of, by and for the people cannot exist unless informed citizens show up and speak up. The purpose of this web site is to provide a forum for all residents and citizens who are interested in sharing their experiences with Dallas County Iowa Government, positive and negative. The rules here are: Be thoughtful; Be forthright; Be thorough; Be fair; Be honest; and Adhere to the Golden rule.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dallas Couny Agreed to Pay for the Rock Caper

If these three images are too small to read, click on the image for a larger view.

The upside down logo of the Dallas County Courthouse was not contrived for this posting. It is shown exactly as it was promulgated. Apparently it is some denizen's of the County Government Campus notion of a joke. Not funny but nevertheless seems apropos.

A colorable claim quickly removed from the agenda during the meeting when claimant declined to sign the County's proposed Settlement Agreement and Release. There is good reason for that. Wayne Reisetter, Dallas County Attorney, made a great play to procure the all-inclusive Release (see above) of Dallas County for its liability in the rock caper. The money claim is for a portion of the cost of removing the rock. That claim is profoundly distinct from releasing Dallas County for its liability for the crime of unlawfully detaining a property owner in an unlawful attempt to enforce a court order without a writ. It was a valiant attempt on Wayne's part. but ask yourself, what person in their own interests would agree to, "release acquit, and forever discharge the Dallas County Sheriff, Chris hinds, Dallas County, their officers, employees, shareholders, directors, agents, successors, predecessors, or assigns and all other persons, dirms and corporations from any and all liability whatsoever...whether known or not and which may hereafter appear or develop...?" Citizens beware!