Government of, by and for the people cannot exist unless informed citizens show up and speak up. The purpose of this web site is to provide a forum for all residents and citizens who are interested in sharing their experiences with Dallas County Iowa Government, positive and negative. The rules here are: Be thoughtful; Be forthright; Be thorough; Be fair; Be honest; and Adhere to the Golden rule.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Reisetter Recuses Himself From Prosecuting Chris Hinds

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Somebody, probably the Dallas County News, opined that there was confusion about what Wayne Reisetter recused himself from and what the Iowa Attorney General agreed to investigate. No, afraid not. Above is Wayne's response to the request to prosecute Chris Hinds and Wayne's request to the Iowa attorney general to recuse himself. Click on the images for a readable-sized view. Following is the request of Wayne reisetter to prosecute Chris Hinds.

23996 260th St.
Adel, Iowa 50003
September 18, 2007
Wayne Reisetter
Dallas County attorney
207 N. 9th St., Suite A
Adel, Iowa 50003

Dear Mr. Reisetter:

April 17, 2007, Deputy Chris Hinds, Dallas County Sheriff’s Department, without a writ, did unlawfully block my right of way to my property, first with his vehicle then with his person, and did detain me, under threat of arrest, from entering my property in order to preserve it from criminal trespass at 24002 260th St., Adel, Iowa. Further, in the days preceding April 17, Deputy Hinds, at the direction of Chad Leonard, Dallas County Sheriff, did conspire with Ralph Brown, City Attorney, Dallas Center, Iowa in constructing a plan to unlawfully detain me under the guise of attempting to enforce a court order without a writ in the event that I should happen to appear at the site while criminal trespass was being committed.
It is a crime for a peace officer, or anyone else, to unlawfully detain any citizen under the false pretense of attempting to enforce a court order without a writ.
It is a crime for a peace officer to conspire with at another public official to commit a crime.
I forewarned Sheriff Leonard of the conspiracy in person, in his office, April 4, 2007.
I reported these crimes to Sheriff Leonard in person, in his office, immediately after they took place, April 17.
I reported these crimes again to sheriff Leonard in writing April 18, 2007.
I reported these crimes to you in person in your office May 18, 2007.
On July 10, 2007, as a representative of Dallas County you offered me three pieces of silver in exchange for my “Release of Claims Against the Dallas County Sheriff, Dallas County Deputy Sheriff Chris Hinds, and the County of Dallas County,” to, “release, acquit, and forever discharge the Dallas County Sheriff, Dallas County Deputy Sheriff Chris Hinds, and Dallas County, their officers, employees, shareholders, directors, agents, successors, predecessors, or assigns, and all other persons firms, and corporations (hereinafter “Releasees”) from any and all liability whatsoever arising out of or relating in any manner to any representations, conduct, statements, omissions or actions of the Dallas County Sheriff, Dallas county Deputy Sheriff Chris Hinds, Dallas County or Releasees in connection with or regarding in any manner, any and all claims asserted arising from the circumstance of Dallas County Sheriff [sic Presumably Deputy] Chris Hinds….
“This agreement covers all injuries and damages, whether known or not, and which may hereafter appear or develop….
“This agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties, their respective heirs, beneficiaries, personal representatives, successors, and assigns….”
Whew! A boy doesn’t usually git an offer like that!
Your foil that the Sheriff’s Department has the right to keep the peace is true. Keeping the peace does not reach to these crimes. Deputy Hinds did not keep the peace; he unlawfully detained me under the fraud of enforcing a court order without a writ, first with his vehicle and then with his body. There is and has been no dispute of these facts.
Sheriff Leonard has refused to respond to my several requests to investigate and prosecute this matter, except to say orally that, “I [sheriff Leonard] am not going to admit to any Departmental wrongdoing.”
Your oath of office is to uphold the law, “I, Wayne Reisetter, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and impartially…discharge all the duties of the Office of County Attorney in Dallas County…required by law.” It is your duty Under Iowa Code 331.756 to, “commence, prosecute and defend all actions and proceedings in which a county officer is a party.” It is your duty to prosecute crime. It is unlawful for you to attempt to cover up crime up with a bribe. You have in this matter so far failed on both sides of that mandate.
As a citizen, a taxpayer and a voter I demand that you prosecute these crimes fully, openly and lawfully. Do not conclude that your ignorance or neglect of this matter will resolve it.
It is now 164 days since these crimes occurred. It is now 134 days since you were personally apprised of the crime. It is now 81 days since I declined your offer of money in exchange for releasing Sheriff Leonard and Deputy Hinds from responsibility for the crime. You have had more than adequate time to begin your work. So far you have produced nothing but a failed attempt to dismiss the crime with a bribe.
You have ten more days in which to demonstrate to me in writing your progress in investigating and prosecuting these crimes.
Yours truly,

Carl H. Hays\